Civil Law
Criminal Law
Administrative Law
- Corporate and Bankruptcy Criminal Law
- Environmental Criminal Law
- Cybercrime
- Criminal Law of Urban Planning, Construction, and Cultural Heritage
- Economic and Business Criminal Law
- IP Criminal Law
- Personal and Asset Preventive Measures
- Public Crimes
- Banking and Financial Criminal Law
- Work Safety and Hygiene Offenses
- Tax Crimes
- Crimes against the Person
- Compliance D.Lgs 231/2001
- Criminal Risk Assessment in Preventive Due Diligence
- Restorative Justice
- Public accounting and financial-statistical litigation
- Law of Public Contracts and Services of General Economic Interest
- Public Employment Law and Administrative Liability
- Environmental and Energy Law
- Education Law
- Law of Local Autonomies and Electoral Litigation
- Health Law
- Urban Planning, Construction, and Cultural Heritage Law